Sunday, June 27, 2010


The Lord's Supper always leaves me with some new understanding of Christ's love.

Today as always I came to the table with my family. I sat down on the table end, directly opposite the pastor. I heard the words of institution-- "This is my body broken for you; do this in remembrance of me."

And, probably because I was dither-headed and out of focus today, I simply watched the plate come around the table. From my seat I could see the bread come to every person. That simple picture was a beautiful work of the Spirit. At every stop Christ was proclaiming, "I died for Dan. I died for Stephanie. I died for Lisa. I died for Ruth." I watched the private worship and prayers taking place; the bowed heads and prayers; the elbows on the table and closed eyes.

I ate bread with my brothers and sisters, and watched them all chew and swallow. And I thought of how Christ in His mercy saved a whole family. He fills up tables with his beloved guests, and breaks his body for all of us together. Eating is an act of trust; and a reminder to all the family that we are trusting him together. Through Christ we are joined mystical union--with Him, but also with each other, as joints and ligaments built up together into him who is the head, that is, Christ.

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