I came home from working at the dining hall tonight. I stepped out of view on the porch and rang the doorbell. Caitlin came to the door in a witch's hat and cape, armed with a huge bowl of candy. She made a very cute witch, by the way.
I jumped into view. "Trick or treat!" I said.
Caitlin called me a name... can't remember what. Something mildly affectionate with a hint of exasperation.
But she gave me some Smarties and let me come inside.
Seth had a three page paper to write, so logically, he was hyper. He played a song on the piano about the three girls currently in the house: an extended piano intro, rhyming lines, the occasional ornamental yelp... Caitlin was irritated by this and gave him some candy in the face, and in the back, and in the shoe... she missed a lot from her chair. Eventually he ate some. "The sugar doesn't affect me at all," he said.
The homework takes effect much faster than sugar. I just hope our sanity re-appears as we forget about all those assignments and enjoy the weekend...
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