Saturday, January 15, 2011

What you learn the first week:

...about the office: 
When you are trying to copy a 60 page document, don't start on the bottom of the stack. The paper comes out face-down, so you *really should start at the top of the stack. If you don't learn this the easy way (by paying attention to what I just said), you will learn this the hard way by reversing the document one. page. at. a. time.

Also, if the copier reports a "Paper Jam", don't believe it. Open and shut the top of the copier and the jam will magically fix itself.

New staplers work just about as well as broken old staplers.
... about IEPS:
In Western PA, the technical IEP jargon involves phrases like "needs fixed" and "needs reviewed".

The diagnosis on the IEP is not always related to the student's difficulty. That LD label could be a ploy. Check for a behavior plan.

...about students:
Beware of storytellers! These students try to draw you in with a lengthy story related to their pets, their moms, their plans for taking over the school, their exploits in the principal's office, and what they do/don't like about EVERYTHING.

When students engage in telling these tales do not believe a word they say.

Furthermore, be highly suspicious of any student who tells you her name is Sheniqua.

Accept gifts (such as erasers, staplers, and other locker paraphernalia) as a token of a student's good will (after all, they did clean out their locker). Don't become attached to these items, because the student will probably ask to have them back on the following day.

Students find that homework is highly overrated. So if you offer to help them finish it, they are not typically thankful for your assistance. They may complain bitterly that you are forcing this torture upon them. Or if they are more relaxed, they will spend the time in the restroom, at their lockers, or attempting to catch you in the Storytelling Ploy (see above).

to be continued...

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