Monday, June 17, 2013

Anna and I took a walk down to Finikoudes on Sunday evening. The place was overcrowded thanks to Whit Monday being a week from today...there were carnival booths and concessions and swarms of people and even an accordion player (sorry I didn't take a picture of him). We decided to walk the shoreline so that we could take off our shoes, and also to avoid some of the people swarms...

But of course, our feet looked dirty and gross by the end of the beach... so we sat on a platform by the accordion player. At some point a group of people got up and left a park bench open. So we scuttled over and sat down to let our feet dry. 

And of course took a few cheesy self portraits before the fun began. 

A Cypriot woman sat down right next to us, and called her friends over. In Greek she told one to sit by her, and the other sat by me. Let me remark right now that five goodly sized women on a bench is not exactly a comfortable fit. "I think they want us to leave," Anna said to me. 

"I'm not moving," I said. 

So we sat tight. Very tight. 

To pass the time while our feet were drying, we whipped out the camera once again to see if our seat companions would co-operate for some pictures.

One did. (but I missed Anna). 

One didn't. (and we missed me)

All in all it was quite hilarious. At some point, when a different bench opened up, the same woman led the way and they moved over to a spot where they could carry on a conversation properly, without the interference of the unyielding American tourists. ;)

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