Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The eaves are dripping.

"I've come at last, said [Father Christmas]. "She has kept me out for a long time, but I have got in at last. Aslan is on the move…"
--The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Winter is not forever; Christmas is tomorrow. Melting ice and dripping gutters, blue sky and muddy boots stand as a testament of mercy. After the freeze comes the thaw; after silence comes the Word; into the darkness, light. 

Calvin shook melting ice off the tree branches and plants with his "quarter staff."

We stopped to admire ice-encrusted cedar berries...

…and the icicle-covered hillside...

Packed for an adventure: thermoses of peppermint tea and volumes of poetry.

What do these two have in common besides coats and handkerchiefs?
Can you guess? Well, can you?

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